15 DevOps Trends to Watch for in 2021- Google Cloud Has You Covered

Wondering if Google Cloud has you covered for all the 15 Devops Trends >? The answer is a resounding YES. In fact GCP pioneered some of the trends like Shift Left Security and was one of the first to bake in gitops style config and policy management practices in our multi-cloud platform Anthos. 

  1. Migrating to microservice will become a must - @GKE https://cloud.google.com/solutions/migrating-a-monolithic-app-to-microservices-gke
  2. Hybrid will become the deployment norm - @Anthos
  3. DataOps will boom - @GoogleFourKeys https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/devops-sre/using-the-four-keys-to-measure-your-devops-performance
  4. Resilience testing will become mainstream - @AnthosServiceMesh https://cloud.google.com/solutions/scalable-and-resilient-apps
  5. GitOps will become a norm - @CloudBuild @Container Registry @CloudSourceRepositories @ApplicationManager @AnthosConfigConnector https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/gitops-cloud-build
  6. There will be more migrations to serverless @CloudRun  https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/migrating
  7. NoOps comes to the scene @GoogeManagedServices (Anthos, BQ, CloudRun, BigTable, Spanner)
  8. BizDevOps will emerge big time @CloudComposer @GoogleCloudFunctions
  9. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) will take its stand even higher @CloudDeploymentManager
  10. Automation & chaos engineering become much important @GoogleSREPractices
  11. Cloud-native approaches will be standardised @gcrBuildpacks
  12. Security will become a high priority @AnthosConfigManagement @AnthosZeroTrustSecurityModel @GCPWorkloadIdentity
  13. Chaos Engineering will become an increasingly more important https://www.gremlin.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-gremlin-on-google-compute-engine-with-ubuntu-16-04/
  14. More focus on instant logs to quickly validate success or failure @Stackdriver @Opsmanagement
  15. DevSecOps will become a default part of DevOps https://cloud.google.com/solutions/devops/devops-tech-shifting-left-on-security
Check out a quick cheat sheet of all the Google Cloud Products and Services 


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